Impro Theatre Workshop with Caspar Schjelbred

Impro Theatre Workshop with Caspar Schjelbred
ИмПро Палас, Раковски 44
HaHaHa Impro theater presents: Improvisation Theatre – Clown/Acting/Mime – Workshop with CASPAR SCHJELBRED in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Saturday 28 November 12pm – 5pm
Sunday 29 November 12pm – 5pm
IMPRO SUPREME is improvisational theatre infused with the freedom of clowning and the precision of mime. It’s about courage and creativity, joy and expression, alone and with others.
Clown improvisation can be a lot of things, but it is first of all real. It’s dealing with and using what’s really there: inside of us and around us. What we feel. And what we see. The ultimate goal is to be aware of everything and to play with it freely. A lifetime project for most of us. So the big question is: can we enjoy our way there – even though we might actually never reach the ultimate goal?
The workshop is 100% practical. The philosophical questions are open to debate after the workshop when we go somewhere to have a glass of wine or rakia…
Let your body do the talking. Learn tricks of the trade from the world of mime and practise how to make crisp clear non-verbal offers to your stage partners; how to make an immediate visual impact on your audience; how to make your scenes work easier by using silence/movement/gesture.
After a physical and creative workout especially adapted for improvisational artists (also known as: human beings), participants will be guided through a series of exercises to help identify what to focus on in order to keep the energy of the improvisation alive – namely how to use their body and connect with their stage partners through their senses.
Following the logic of Ira Seidenstein’s The Four Articulations, we will always do a proper physical warm up and go through a series of creative exercises to increase our awareness of (and in) body/space/time.
This workshop is about making stuff happen. For yourself. And for real. Not just in the realm of the imagination. Or to please the Gods of Theatre. In other words: you are the story, you don’t have to make it up. When you learn to trust this, the muses will flock to you and whisper in your ears, and you’ll never have to worry about coming up with an idea ever again.
The two days will be similar in structure, but not identical. Training and exercises during the first part. And in the second part, improvisation as theatre performance: experimentation with and application of exercise material in „performance mode“. We’ll practise in 10-20 minutes of improvised performance (mini longforms).
Part 1 (12pm-2.30pm)
• core mechanics: anatomically correct movements to be aware of your body
• how to use your body as instrument and source of creativity
• improvisation as free composition: practise spontaneity and control at the same time
• using movement & gesture to establish the foundational drama
• switching between expressionist and naturalist acting
• working with music
Part 2 (2.30pm-5pm)
• organic longform: an improvised piece of theatre in which one thing leads to another (seamlessly)
• serial longform: an improvised piece of theatre in which there is a succession of (somehow) related scenes
• keeping the energy alive (should be the same as in shortform)
• transitions between scenes
The workshop is suitable for all types of performers: actors, comedians, clowns, mimes. Any level of experience is welcome: beginners and veterans.
The workshop will be taught in English.
Places are limited to 12 participants per day.
It is possible to participate just one day. It is however strongly recommended to participate both days in order to get the most out of the workshop.
One day: 70 lv.
Both days: 120 lv.
Improvisational artist specialising in physical acting (clowning and mime). Born in Denmark, raised in Sweden, Caspar discovered his passion for acting and theatre in Paris through impro at the age of twenty. He is a member of the Improfessionals, a Parisian impro group with whom he has been performing regularly since 2001 (artistic director 2008-2014). He is also an associate of Ira Seidenstein, with whom he continually studies clown and acting. Teaching is an integral part of Caspar’s work; he codirects Impro Academy in Paris and frequently travels internationally to teach and perform. In 2012 he created Plan C – a solo improvisation show in which his main objective is to practise what he preaches: that good and meaningful improvisation is free creativity and playfulness.