Character/Relationships and Story with Timothy Lone

Character/Relationships and Story with Timothy Lone

Character/Relationships and Story with Timothy Lone

ИмПро Палас, Раковски 44

Workshop: Character/ Relationships and Story:

Whether in long form or short form impro or any type of theatre, performers are asked to create various characters on stage. This workshop will give participants tools to develop various characters and truthful relationships on stage for more dynamic performances and storytelling. Although taught in English, students will be able to perform in Bulgarian.

Saturday November 4th.
10:30 – 16:30
str. „G.S.Rakovski“ 44
Fee: 45 BGN
Sign up :

Timothy Lone is an award winning actor, director and teacher from Chicago, working in Luxembourg, France, UK and the USA. Tim formerly taught performance in the UK at the University of Warwick, top ranked school for Theatre Studies. He is the original Artistic Director of the Improfessionals Theatre in Paris and produced Paris’s first international improvisational theatre festival in 2004. He is also co-founder of Impro Academy Paris. He has worked extensively with Keith Johnstone and various directors at Second City. He has contributed to two books on Improvisation and is currently director of The Story In Motion Project in Luxembourg.

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