
ИмПро Палас, Раковски 44
ЕвроПроектЪт: ХаХаХа ИмПро отправя отворена покана към:
- Актьори
- Музиканти
- Танцьори
- Певци
- Кукловоди
- Клоуни
- Комедианти
- Мимове
- Илюстратори
Проектът ще се проведе от 21.03 до 21.04 в София, ХаХаХа ИмПро Палас
Ако сте свободни в този период и имате желание да разработвате нови формати , ни пратете кратко CV, снимки и каквото друго решите, на: info@hahahaimpro.com
Ще се свържем допълнително с вас.
Краен срок за кандидатстване 7.03.2018
Местата са ограничени.
Участниците ще преминат обучение в основи на импровизацията с треньори от ХаХаХа ИмПро, и специално направени за тях уорк-шопи водени от CASPAR SCHJELBRED – Impro Supreme Workshop, Florian Bartsch и Antoine Lefort – IMPROVISED MUSICAL.
Завършва се с 4 представления и възможност за продължаване на колаборацията и след финалната дата.
Участието в ЕвроПроектЪт е напълно безплатно.
Участниците в ЕвроПроектЪт ще бъдат разпределени в две групи.
Всяка група ще премине през обучение с ментори от ХаХаХа ИмПро .
От 21.03 всекидневно 10:00 – 14:30 (с почивка през уикендите)
Шоу с група #2 на 14.04 , с група #1 на 21.04
Една от групите ще работи с CASPAR SCHJELBRED
Impro Supreme Workshop
Theme: Physical acting and creativity for improvisational theatre
Dates: April 4-13 (including 2-day weekend break)
Daily time schedule: 11am-5pm (individual warm up and preparation from 10am)
Public performance: Friday April 13, 8pm
This intensive 8-day workshop provides a complete training in physically grounded improvisational theatre infused with the precision of mime and the freedom of clown. The work is based on the Seidenstein Method and is intended to give the participants a toolbox of exercises and principles for autonomous artistic pursuit. The final showcase performance will be created in collaboration with the participants and be a mix of solo and partner improvisations.
The workshop is suitable for all types of performers: actors, clowns, comedians, mimes, dancers.
3 DAYS April 4-6 Introduction to the Seidenstein Method
3 DAYS April 9-11 Development & Experimentation
2 DAYS April 12-13 Show creation & public performance
The first three days are an introduction to the Seidenstein Method’s basic workshop template –The Four Articulations– which moves organically from a series of precise movement exercises to free-form improvisations with no imposed style or aesthetic.
The next three days we will use the Four Articulations as our training tool before applying its principles and ideas to improvisational comedy and theatre, building from short sketches to longer pieces composed of several scenes.
The last two days will be the consolidation of the training and experimentation into an originally created show format containing both free-form and structured improvisation.
The Seidenstein Method is the result of Ira Seidenstein’s vast and varied international career in the performing arts since the late 1970s as clown, actor, acrobat, director and teacher; from original solo performances to engagements with well established players in the field such as Cirque de Soleil, Slava Polunin and the Bell Shakespeare company.
The Four Articulations workshop template was formulated by Ira Seidenstein in 2009; it encapsulates the essence of his experience and knowledge in a simple and efficient training method for acting and creativity that since has been adopted by a small but growing number of theatre makers and performing artists across the world.
The workshop is directed by Caspar Schjelbred, associate of Ira Seidenstein and a practitioner of the Seidenstein method since 2008. He is codirector of Impro Academy in Paris since 2006, original member of the improvisational theatre company the Improfessionals (artistic director 2008-2014) and solo artist since 2013 with his largely improvised show Plan C.
Profoundly inspired and influenced by Ira Seidenstein’s physical and intellectually informed approach to theatre, Caspar Schjelbred made it the fundament of his own artistic research and in 2010 launched the first Impro Supreme workshop: acting infused with clown and mime – based on individual creativity and physical expression.
Caspar Schjelbred: www.improsupreme.com
The Seidenstein Method: www.iraseid.com
Impro Academy: www.improacademy.com
Втората група ще работи с Florian Bartsch (www.improacademy.comwww.newcomediemusicale.com www.improfessionals.com) и Antoine Lefort (www.antoinelefort.com)
IMPROVISED MUSICAL in SOFIA for actors, singers, dancers, puppeteers, musicians, illustrators.
6 DAY WORKSHOP FOR ARTISTS who are experienced and passionate about improvisation or who would like to improve their artistic improvisation skills.
For the IMPROVISED MUSICAL PROJECT in Sofia in April 2018 we are looking for :
6-8 ACTORS-SINGERS-DANCERS and 2-4 PUPPETEERS* : male-female, not age limit.
SINGING – very solid singing
ACTING – solid acting
DANCING – some experience in dance
If you are working with a full body puppet dancing skills are a plus.
(You will learn how to dance with your puppet or how to make you puppet dance.)
3-6 MUSICIANS who can play 1 or several instruments :
Musicians should „chameleons“ and be able to play divers musical styles:
Mainly Jazz, but also Pop, Rock, Soul, Funk, Folkloric music, Reggae,
Swing, Classical music
We are looking for
1 or 2 pianists
1 or 2 guitarists or cello players
1 or 2 percussionists
1-2 multi-instrumentists who play 2 or 3 of the following instruments :
wind instruments:
saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, bassoon,
string instruments:
violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, banjo
Who can draw on an electronic surface (Tablet) or on paper.
Who are not afraid to deliver an unfinished image or to present an image which isn’t perfect yet.
The live illustrations will be projected during the show and the actors or puppets will play with the projected decors.
Improvised Singing (vocal technique, free and creative expression)
Song structure (Train verses, chorus’ and bridges for solos, duets, trios and group numbers)
Rhyme and lyrics (Improvise with different content: poetic, emotional, humoristic, dramatic, etc. while working on rhyme structure and rhyming skills)
Dance and choreography (Train to place yourself on stage and master simple dance movements: ModernJazz and contemporary dance)
Storytelling (Initiation of the key steps and key characters of a musical)
6 DAYS (10h – 17h) and 1 SHOW (Friday 20th April – 20h00)
Кратко CV, снимки и каквото друго решите, на: info@hahahaimpro.com
Краен срок 7.03.2018
Местата са ограничени.
ЕвроПроектЪт се реализира с финансовата подкрепата на програма „Културна програма за Българското председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз 2018 г.“ на Национален фонд „Култура“